IJBS Paper Template


This template is used to format the paper and style the text. The formatting of papers and articles is important in order to have a consistent appearance. All margins, column widths, line spaces, and text fonts are prescribed, so please do not alter them. Please do not add page numbers, header or footer. After the author has formatted the paper according to this guideline, the submission should have the same look as the paper template presented here.

The standard length of a paper (research article) for IJBS should be between 5000 and 9000 words, including the abstract, references (bibliography), footnotes and endnotes.

The authors should submit their original work in Microsoft Word format (.doc) by using our online submission form.

The paper must be written in English and carefully checked for spelling and grammar before submission. Authors are required to use British English.

The paper must be written in accordance with the following guidelines:

Paper Guidelines

Font: Times New Roman

Alignment: Justify

Size (pt): Text – 12; Footnotes - 10

Text (paragraphs): non-indented

Titles of chapters: in Bold

Titles of sections: in Italic

Spaces between:

  • Lines & Paragraphs: Single

  • Sections: Double

    Paragraph spacing should be set as 0 before and 0 after.Line Spacing should be set as Single.

    Document format

    The paper size should be in A4 format and the values to set are these:

  • Top: 2.6 cm

  • Bottom: 1.6 cm

  • Left: 2,2 cm

  • Right: 2,2 cm

  • From Edge – Header: 1.27 cm and Footer: 1.27 cm

Paper Structure

The articles (papers) submitted to IJBS should comprise three parts:

  1. Front matter

  2. Paper’s research structure

  3. Back matter

  1. ​Front matter should be on the first page and should include:

    • Title

    • Author/s (Affiliations)

    • Abstract

    • Keywords

  2. ​Paper’s research structure should start on the second page and should include:

    • Methodology / Introduction

    • Analysis / Discussions / Results (Findings)

    • Conclusions

    • References (Bibliography)

  3. ​Back matter (optional) should be after Conclusions and before References and can include:

    • Supplementary materials

    • Acknowledgments

    • Funding (if articles are a result of institutional fundings)

    • Biographical Note (a short bio of the author)

      Paper Template

      Please prepare the paper according to the following template (including guidelines for text size, spacing etc).

      Front Matter:

      Paper Title

      (14 pt, in bold, centered)

      (The title should be no more than 20 words in length)

      (2 spaces)

      First Author1, Second Author2, Last Author3

      (12 pt, in bold, centered)

      1First author Title, Affiliation, University/Institute, Country, Email

      2Second author Title, Affiliation, University/Institute, Country, Email

      3Last author Title, Affiliation, University/Institute, Country, Email

      (10 pt, in Footnotes)

      (3 spaces)


      (12 pt, in bold, left)

      The abstract should be brief, indicating the purpose/significance of the research. It must be between 250-350 words. The abstract should be a single paragraph and should follow the style of structured abstracts, but without headings. It should include: Background, Methods, Results (article's main findings) and Conclusions. Please, do not use symbols, special characters, footnotes, or math in the paper title or abstract.

      (2 spaces)


      (12 pt, in bold, left)

      Maximum of 9-10 words. The keywords should be specific to the article, yet reasonably common within the subject discipline.

      Paper’s research structure:

      (Second page: new page – apply Insert/Page Break)

      The sections should include:

    • Methodology / Introduction

    • Analysis / Discussions / Results (Findings)

    • Conclusions

    • References (Bibliography)

Titles of sections: 12 pt, in bold, left

One space between the section title and the first paragraph.

Two spaces between the sections.

One space between paragraphs.

The paragraphs should be non-indented.

Table and figures

Figures, tables, and equations must be inserted in the text and may not be grouped at the end of the paper. Tables and figures must be numbered, centered and should be placed close after their first reference in the text. Please double check the numbering of these elements before you submit your paper. The table headings should be centered above the tables. Figures and tables not cited in the text should not be presented. The following is an example for Table 1.

Table 1. Title of the Table

Example column 1

Example column 2

Example column 3


The figure captions should be below the figures. All figures should be of high quality, legible and numbered according to sequence below each figure. The resolution should be at least 300 dpi and at least 10 cm wide. Figure captions and table headings should be sufficient to explain the figure or table without needing to refer to the text.

Insert Figure 1 here

Figure 1. Title of Figure 1

Equations: Each equation should occupy one line. Equations start from the left of the column and numbered consecutively. The equation numbers must be bracketed and should be aligned at the right of the line in that column.

t = 2RtCt (1)

References (Bibliography)

Reference list should be on the last page (a new page: apply Insert/Page Break)

The page begins with the word References (Centered, in bold, 12 pt).

The reference list should be single-spaced.

The References should be presented in either of the two systems (the most used ones in social/political sciences), in accordance with the preference of the Author:

  1. APA reference system (author-date format)

  2. Oxford reference system (with footnotes / endnotes)

The Reference list should be presented in alphabetical order by the surname of the first author. If there are several publications by the same author, arrange by year of publication with the earliest date first. All sources should be listed by the last names of the authors.

Please include in the References list only those references that were actually cited in the text of the paper. All work that is cited in the text also needs to be in the References. There must be a total agreement between the two.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us: ijbs@unyt.edu.al